What’s up yall. My name’s Donovan, a.k.a crybby and I’m a producer, artist, engineer, coder, graphic designer and music curator from New Jersey.

I’ve been involved in music since I was little. My uncle got me a mini guitar when I was four which got me messing around with instruments and my dad would always have me singing and rapping to his favorite CDs on our car rides. I started playing saxophone in fourth grade, began singing in eighth grade and continued on to perform both throughout high school.

I finally got into music production going into my freshman year of college, dove into it head first, and never looked back. I started making beats any time I could, took music theory classes throughout college (was a music major for about two years) and began to meet and work with musicians on campus who would become lifelong friends and collaborators.

My biggest production accomplishment to date, and one of my best eras so far, was working on and completing To Stitch A Rose. for the artist Mamadou., one of my closest friends. What began as a 4am college convo, led to the idea of a little mixtape. That mixtape over the course of a few months ideation grew into an album. When we thought the album was ready and just needed to be mixed and mastered, the final piece of our team, Krishna, came along to take us over the hump. He pushed both of us on the production, the recording and everything in between and took the project to the next level. Finally, two years from Mamadou. and I’s initial late night convo, we released the album. The reception has been fantastic and I’m so grateful to have worked on a project that meant so much to all three of us.

You can check out all the songs I’ve worked on below in the playlist I made. As of now, I have songs released with Mamadou. and Kai Azana (another very talented artist and friend I met a few years ago) but will certainly be adding more to it as I begin to release more music with the artists I’m currently working with (and my own solo work!).

I’m currently working out of my studio in Brooklyn, NY with my music partner Krishna and am working on my own solo project as well as projects for several other artists. I’m also working on chord packs consistently that I’ll share with y’all on here and also graphic design and animations for my crybby brand.